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Paratachys micros (Fischer von Waldheim, 1828)
Syn.: Tachys (Patarachys) micros (Fischer von Waldheim, 1828)
Family: Carabidae
Size: 2.0 mm (1.7 to 2.4 mm)
Origin: Central Europe to Central Asia
Biology: Lives in wetlands and on banks
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Upper Bavaria, Ascholding, Isar valley
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 3.V.1975
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2022

Paratachys micros  (enlarged)

Paratachys micros  (Flickr)

Paratachys micros  (Wikimedia Commons)

Location List Coleoptera Germany Bavaria without Upper Franconia  (Google Drive)

LocationList Carabidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)